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Fear and Overcoming It: What do you do?


Updated: Jul 8, 2024

The definition of "afraid" is: feeling fear or anxiety; frightened: like "I'm afraid of dogs". And of course fear can also be so strong it is tangible and changes our body's behavior.

Fear and overcoming it: what do you do? How do you do that?

It comes from a feeling. An emotion. It might feel like a fact to you, but people are usually afraid of different things. The person who is afraid of dogs might not understand a person who LOVES dogs. And vice-versa.

Ocean waves coming in and receding on a beach.
Ocean waves coming in and receding on a beach.

Our feelings and emotions most often come from our experiences, which can be good or bad. Today, though, we are talking about being afraid. Fearful.

I remember as a young child of about two years old, running away from and being afraid of the waves of the ocean. I was fascinated by them, yet afraid of them. They seemed to be unpredictable and like they had a life of their own and "maybe one would wash me away"? I was never in any danger, and I was always running from them, yet trying to play with the effects of the water gliding over the sand, frustrated that they interrupted my focus.

Captured radar of storm.
Captured radar of storm.

Here in Oklahoma, we get many severe thunderstorms each year. We learn to watch the radar and the clouds. We have our opinion on who to trust for accurate weather warnings, and what our thresholds are before we take action. (LOL) If you are from here, you know what I mean!

We have a saying that, "You know who is from Oklahoma when there is a tornado warning - they are all standing in the street watching it." The idea is - if you can see it, you know where it is, and can tell which way it is going, then you will know when you are in danger of it overtaking you. THEN you know when to take cover. Well...that's one of the extreme's - the one just UNDER being a tornado/storm chaser for work or pleasure.

What do you do when you have a sever/tornado warning?

There is something about a tornado siren's eerie blare that makes ones heart beat faster and pound in your chest. One way to reduce your fear at this point is to have planned ahead and know where you are going when that siren blares. This is one way to reduce your fear and overcome it by planning. And even though you think that the danger is past, your body responds to the sound. I will admit that! Once again - it's the unpredictability of the storm that causes concern. And remind yourself that you have made the plans to follow and do them!

These three photos I took from a plane last summer. I saw beauty. Some people are afraid of being high in a plane and afraid of what would happen if something went wrong. It's what you focus on that you will feel.

Mountains in a distance from the view of a boat on the water.
Mountains behind the water.

And what about water? This photo to the left is from a ferry near Seattle, WA. The wind was VERY strong, as probably it usually is, and that's a lot of water! Some people LOVE being on the water and some people are afraid to be on a boat of any size. Some people love cruises, and others wouldn't even think of doing them.

Why do we have such opposite responses to the beauty of nature and the things that we feel when we are in those surroundings? Aren't the facts the same? There IS both beauty and danger in just about every situation. We actually face them to a degree almost every day!

You have the choice as to which "eyes" you use to see your surroundings. You don't have to live with that fear!

I think that our beliefs and experiences drive our fears and confidences.

What do you want to focus on? Be the Overcomer!

What do you do when you are facing a fear? Do you give in to it? Do you stand up to it? Tell it you are going to own it some day?

God's Word tells us 365 times to not fear, not be afraid. He tells us to be strong and courageous! In Joshua 1, we find the Lord telling Joshua to take the leadership now. Moses was gone, and it was time to move on. Joshua had been the right hand man of Moses throughout the years in the desert. He knew all that he needed to know to do so. He also knew the people and all of their fears and whining and complaining he'd heard the whole time. He KNEW it was a BIG job!

Joshua 1:5b " As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not abandon you or leave you alone. 6. Be strong and brave! You must lead these people in the conquest of this land that I solemnly promised their ancestors I would hand over to them. 7. Make sure you are very strong and brave! Carefully obey all the law my servant Moses charged you to keep!...9. I repeat, be strong and brave! Don't be afraid and don't panic, for I the LORD your God, am with you in all you do." NET

The fear of the daunting task before him, must have been evident for the Lord to tell him three times to be strong and brave ("strong and courageous" in some translations).

My friend, He has promised to be with us and to not leave us. If we will get that deep, deep, DEEP, DEEP in our bones, we have nothing to fear. He is God! He does not lie. He is God! He keeps His promises. He is God! You have nothing to fear (as long as He IS your God).

What do you when you get afraid, now? What WILL you do when you get afraid in the future? Trust Him!

Be strong and courageous!

Need some help overcoming fear? Get these FREE Verse Cards about Fear to help you out.


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