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Deep Calls to Deep in Worship Music Songs


Updated: Jul 8, 2024

Music speaks to our soul (mind, will, and emotions), while the words of a song speak to our intellect. When there is a song that does both, we enter in and experience it far more than just a fun, cute song.

Kite flying in the sky.
Kite flying in the sky.

Though we each go through different types of experiences, and feel them at different depths, we can share the same emotions that will connect us at a deeper level.

There are fun, cheery, happy songs that we like to sing now and then. Songs that help us stay positive, or bring us out of a funk.

Then there are songs that seem to have been written from a really deep, thoughtful place, that requires a special, soulful tune. That's how some hymns are - especially for those that grew up singing them.

I've been thinking about the hymn, "Breathe on me breath of God", by Edwin Hatch, this week. I feel like as a nation we are seeking God more and with more seriousness and diligence.

Edwin Hatch was a serious scholar. While other kids his age were playing, he was seeking to learn more, even on his own time. He went to Pembroke College in Oxford, and later became a college professor, then a high-school rector, and a university vice-principal.

As a devoted Christian, he was drawn into deep theology, and then lectured about his discoveries. Some of these were published and translated into other languages. His most famous publication is this simple prayer, "Breathe on me breath of God", which is one of our most beloved worship music songs.

He wrote this prayer in 1878, wanting to keep it his private conversation with God. As complex as his thoughts, discussions, and lecturers were, he understood that the root of Christianity was very simple: faith in God.

Single kite flying in the wind.
Single kite flying in the wind.

1 Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love the way you love, and do what you would do. 2 Breathe on me, Breath of God,

until my heart is pure,

until my will is one with yours, to do and to endure. 3 Breathe on me, Breath of God, so shall I never die,

but live with you the perfect life for all eternity. Psalter Hymnal, 1987

Sometimes, it is the simplest way we do or say something, that is the most effective. These simple heartfelt words, speak from the heart and to other hearts. We all get it! We understand the cry from our most inward being - our spirit!

John 20: 21-22 “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

Go pull this song up on your phone or computer and soak in the sound and the simple cry of the heart. Lord, breathe on me, your very breath! Fill me, Lord! Make me new. Without Your presence, there is nothing to live for.


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